بِسمِ اللهِ الرَّحمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Frequently Asked Questions

For questions that are not listed here, you can reach out and contact us.

About Hadithmv

The Maldivian Platform for Translations of the Sunnah

The Hadithmv project is a collaborative initiative dedicated to making the sayings and teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his righteous followers accessible and understandable to the Maldivian community. We offer:

• Free Islamic texts and supplementary works in Dhivehi

• Resources for students, scholars, and the general public

• Beneficial tools and content for Islamic learning

Our Approach

Recognizing that Allah has provided us with technology as a means of spreading knowledge, we harness it to provide:

• A feature-rich, user-friendly experience

• Compatibility across various devices and configurations

• Multiple platforms: Website, Android app, and Windows app

• Search and text-copying functionalities

Project Aims:


• Bring Hadith and Prophetic teachings to everyone, overcoming barriers of medium, location, portability, age, language, or wealth

• Use modern technology to spread awareness and love for the Sunnah, as today’s people are more connected to their deviced than traditional books

• Prepare a database of translations accessible on multiple platforms

• Provide a free service intended for immediate use.


• Address the issue that most of our society’s problems are due to people being uneducated and ignorant about the Sunnah

• Offer easy-to-access, referenced Islamic content for self-study

• Provide resources for teachers, students and scholars

• Eliminate repetitive, inefficient and outdated translation efforts as well as partisanship

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What are the features of Hadithmv?

The Official Hadithmv app.

Hadithmv contains the following in the Maldivian language, Dhivehi:

• 10 Books of Hadith and Athar, with around 8,000 entries

• 6 Quran translations and Tafsirs

• 10 Books of Aqida and Usooluddeen

• 5 Dictionaries, with around 100,000 entries

It includes Hadith and Athar from books such as:

• Muwatta Malik

• Umdatul Ahkam

• Fortress of the Muslim

• Aajurry’s 40 Hadith

• Marroozy’s Narrations of the Sheikhs and their Manners

• Aajurry’s Manners of the Carriers of the Quran

• Bulughul Maram

• Nawawi’s 40 Hadith

• As well as from several other books.

It includes Aqida and Usooluddeen from books such as:

• Ahmed’s Fundamentals of the Sunnah

• Barbahari’s Explanation of the Sunnah

• Creed of the Two Razis

• Summary of Aajurry’s Book of Shariah

• Abu ’Ubaid’s Book of Faith

• Sam’aanys’ Giving Victory to the People of Hadith

• MBAW’s The Nullifiers of Islam

• MBAW’s The Four Foundations

• MBAW’s The Six Principles

• MBAW’s The Three Principles

It also includes the following:

• Dhivehi Quran Translation where Aqida issues of previous translations are being fixed

• Bakurubey’s Quran Translation

• Jaufar’s Quran Tafsir

• Tafsir of the Last Tenth of the Quran

• Translation of the Office of the President of Maldives

• Comprehensive English Dhivehi Arabic Dictionary

• Book of Names

• Dictionary of the Dhivehi Language

• Al Eegaal Arabic Dhivehi Dictionary

• Concise Etymological Vocabulary - English Dhivehi

• Dhivehi Word Separation Rules

• Guide to Using Dotted Letters in Thaana

• Text Editor with Various Features

Other Features:

• Unique: The first Dhivehi Hadith and Athar app in Maldives

• Focused: Importance is given to the major classical works

• Cross Platform: Available on the Web, Android and Windows

• Sourced: Reference numbers match the source books

• Searchable: Text can be queried in both Arabic and Dhivehi

• Diacritic-agnostic: Supports Arabic search with and without Tashkheel

• Accessible: Texts can be found, copied and shared across devices

• Offline: Works without an internet connection

• 100% free: Valuable knowledge made available free of charge

I don’t know how to use Hadithmv / I can’t copy or search / I find this difficult and am stuck?

Reading the instructions first might help. Learn about them here.

Who founded Hadithmv?

Abu Yahya, Mohamed Ashraaf Ibrahim. Graduate of the Faculty of Hadith -Islamic University of Madina, and Web Developer.

Why was Hadithmv created?

We saw that the people of our time (between the 20th and 21st century) were far from the Sunnah, the Salaf (Righteous Predecessors), as well as holding onto them. These people, both the learned and unlearned in religion, would give precedence to their intellect above the Aathaar (Narrations). They would either misunderstand, distort these Aathaar to fit their views, or reject them in one way or another. There was also much spread of innovation in religious matters and it was made fair seeming to the masses. And those who knew no better took ignorant and misguided individuals as leaders and Imams. And so we created a digital resource for the people that could be a means of reminding them of the Sunnah and holding onto it, and what the Salaf of the Ummah and the scholars of Aathaar were upon. And to warn them of the innovations and desires of the deviant, so that they may refrain from them. And we ask Allah that He makes us firm upon Islam and the Sunnah, until we meet Him, without having changed or distorted anything from the religion, and that He makes us of those by whom the Sunnah is revived, and innovation is made to die off, and that He protects us from Fitnah, both from what is apparent from it as well as what is hidden. Ameen.

How is Hadithmv written?

Correct: Hadithmv

Incorrect: Hadith mv, Hadith.m.v., HadithMv, HadithMV, etc.

ރަނގަޅު: ޙަދީޘްއެމްވީ

ނުބައި: ޙަދީޘް.އެމްވީ، ޙަދީޘް އެމް ވީ، ހަދީސްއެމްވީ، އަދި އެ ނޫން ގޮތްގޮތް.

I have a suggestion / correction / question. How can I contact you?

Simply reach out to us from the menu.

Is Hadithmv on social media / can you make a page and post Hadith?

Yes, we can be found on Facebook, Viber, Telegram, Instagram and Twitter, where we have been posting Hadith. Links can be found on the main page.

Why don’t you add a clickable Tasbih counter to Hisnul Muslim?

That would be an easy thing to do. Yet it is still better that you count it on your fingers instead.

How do I continue reading a book from the last place I was at a later time?

There are three ways to go about this.

• Firstly, in both the online web version of Hadithmv, as well as the Android app, the current page will automatically stay in place even if you reopen it after closing the browser.

• Secondly, for both the Web and offline apps, you can get the current place where you were reading by doing the following: on a book’s page, you can click the “copy current page link” at the bottom, this places it in your clipboard, which you can paste anywhere for safekeeping. Then when you need to go back to where you were reading, open Hadithmv’s homepage, at the top will be a box for that link. Paste the link there and press go or enter. You will then be taken there.

• And thirdly, you can note down the page number of where you were and later input that number on the relevant page to continue from there.

Why am I getting a warning when downloading the Windows app?

The reason is that some browsers or antivirus software aren’t familiar with the program. So they might warn of a potential threat because it isn’t recognized. However it has been put through VirusTotal scans as you can see here, and it checks out clean, so no need to worry about that.

Is there an iOS app?

Not yet. We don't currently have a developer specialized in apple products or familiar with the Swift programming language. The same goes for Flutter or React Native. Currently, iOS, macOS and Linux users will have to use the online version of Hadithmv in the browser. In sha Allah there will be an iOS app, contact us if you would know someone who could help with that.

Can I join the Hadithmv project?

If you do not know Arabic, or if you make Ta’weel of Islamic Texts, then no. Do not come anywhere near this. This has nothing to do with you, nor do you have anything to do with us. Do not even think about touching these texts, because the harm brought will be greater than the benefit. Otherwise, we could use help from Ahlu Sunnah who have skills in three key areas: translating, proof-reading and coding. Applicants should first and foremost have the correct creed and follow the way of Salaf. We used to be a lot more open when accepting helpers, but then we noticed Taw’eels in the translations stemming from the Aqidah of the writer, so we were obligated to put a stop to it, because this is the Deen we are talking about. After those prerequisites, we are looking for people that are optimistic, self-motivated, responsive, able to meet deadlines, and do not feel offended when corrected. We judge people’s work by their speed and completeness, and things like acquintanceship, popularity and certificates have little use if their wielders are lacking in the former aspects. Obviously, we cannot work with people who don’t respond when asked how the work is going, or whose translations are done whenever one feels like it. The problem with that is even if they do it later and then submit, we would have already had it done by someone else by then, making their submissions useless. Rather we follow a schedule, calculate our releases, and will not put a project on hold for anyone or anything. If there is too much delay on any one end, work will immediately be transferred to someone else, so as to not hold things up. That said, feel free to contact us if there are any queries. Or if you meet the requirements, then you can begin translating right away from here. While we wish that everyone benefits from these works as a whole, we also ask that you give back to the community if you are able. Jazakumullah khairan.

Why translate?

There has always been a great lack of classical Islamic works being accessible to Maldivians, translated properly and free of distortion. Yet there hasn’t been enough of an effort made towards solving this issue. Although people talk about doing something about it, nowhere near enough has been done. So while the need has existed for as long as it has, and anyone suitable should definitely step up to fill the role, we decided that we were not going to wait around. And so we went ahead and got this project up and running, and Alhamdulillah, things have progressed a lot since then. And as of now, Hadithmv is a well established project. Unlike various other groups that have come and gone, we don’t keep ourselves and what we do in the dark or closed off, nor do we fail to respond when it comes to holding up our commitments. Our work is right there in the open for anyone to access. We don’t start working on something, do it halfway, and drop things from there. While some teams may have gotten ahold of one resource or another, like a PDF or so, we aimed at collecting all those materials and much more. We also utilize special tools and modernized resources for the job, which aren’t limited to being either just digital or physical, which is the real bottleneck that others face. This helps us get our content up and out there as efficiently as possible, and thus the team is able to continuously build upon a proven flow of work, instead of having to start out from scratch. We thank Allah for these tools and management, because without a comparable setup, it would have taken years to get anything done. May Allah reward all those who participated in this abundantly and perpetually. Any good that comes of this is from Allah, and any shortcomings are from ourselves and shaithan. O Allah, please accept and bless this work of ours, and make it from our good deeds. Let it be a Sadaqa Jariya (continuous charity) that remains until the Day of Judgement. And forgive the brothers and sisters who participated in it, guide them to the true path, and keep them firm upon it, along with their families and friends. Ameen.

How else can I help with Hadithmv?

One way is by rating the Android app. Note that you can rate without showing your name if you don’t write anything. Another way is by sharing Hadithmv with your friends. If you ever wanted to spread Islamic knowledge in Dhivehi, or maybe even thought about distributing a lot of books to Maldivians all around the world, then in this day and age sharing Hadithmv is as easy as it gets. Furthermore, the Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it.” -Sahih Muslim 1893.

Who else has participated in the Hadithmv project?

Hadithmv has had various helpers over time. Most of them are friends and colleagues from the Islamic University of Madinah, as well as brothers and sisters who studied in other colleges and faculties, along with other students of knowledge, individuals skilled in the Dhivehi and Arabic languages, and others who help with the code itself. Click here for a list of contributors.

Why is it called Hadithmv, and why are there other than Hadith in it?

While Hadithmv initially started as a website providing the Dhivehi translation of a small collection of 40 Hadith, it has since developed into much more than that. While the primary focus will always be reviving the Sunnah and making it accessible for everyone, it became important to include everything that would help in achieving that goal. The most important of which would be the Quran, followed by books on the correct Aqida. Supporting language material regarding Arabic was also found to be indispensable. Other useful tools and content have also been made available for those who wish to benefit from them. At the same time, it won’t hurt non-technical people in the slightest by its presence, even if they don’t know how to use it.

What exactly is the All Hadith and Athar section?

It is simply a very large collection of various Hadith and Athar, collected from our own works as well as different sources on the internet. Meaning it has our translations as well as that of others. Typically the content there is to be regarded as drafts, needing additional checking before use. But still it can be beneficial to have something to write upon and carry on from rather than having to start from scratch with nothing, for those who know how to use it that is, which is why the page is there in the first place. As for those people who go there, take a look and say, it’s full of mistakes, obviously have no idea how to use it at all. Also if you don’t see the total number of Hadith in that page increasing as months go by, it’s not because we aren’t working on anything, rather what we work on needs to be further revised before we place it out there publicly. And we haven’t stopped collecting translations from the internet either, we have them archived, but just haven’t had the time to sort them and find the corresponding Arabic text for them before uploading.

What is the difference between the ‘Hadithmv Quran Translation’, and ‘Bakurubey’s Quran Translation’ which is also on Hadithmv?

The Hadithmv translation is based on the official Dhivehi translation that is mainstream in the Maldives, but without the Ash’ari misinterpretations regarding Names and Attributes of Allah, which is something well-known about the current 2007 edition of the said book, as well as the earlier 1971 edition. The Arabic words that were in it have also been written in Dhivehi in our version, and other linguistic improvements have also been made. This has all been mentioned in Dhivehi on its relevant page. We were the first to change the Arabic words within that translation to proper Thaana. We were also the first to fix all of its Ash’ari Tauweels. And all praise is for Allah.

As for Bakurubey’s translation, it is the work of Abu Bakr Ibrahim Ali, from Hinnavaru Island, who passed away on 20/1/2013. His translation has two parts, a (somewhat) word-to-word translation, and a general translation. We were the first to digitize that work, and the reason we chose to do so was because it didn’t have the Ash’ari Tauweels that the other translations suffered from, and also had a word-to-word segment, yet it was stuck in just PDF form without any hard copies or electronic text that the public could access, with no one to give it the proper availability it deserved.

There’s another separate ‘Bakurubeyge Tharujama’ app, was that made by you?

No, that was made by Ahmed Ahsam, a developer from Hulhudhuffaaru. He reached out expressing interest in making a Flutter application. The Lafzy and Ijmaly sections are reversed on that app.

What can I mainly do on Hadithmv?

Primarily you can read various Islamic translations of Quran, Hadith, Aqidah, Duas as well as other content. You can also use Hadithmv like a dictionary. You can find the source references for these books. You can look up texts in Dhivehi as well as Arabic, and can search even without Arabic diacritics. You can copy and paste the translations to and from any device, through any kind of media. You can select how many items to display on the screen at one time. You can jump to any page. You can use filter options to see only specific texts. You can show and hide different types of text. You can also use keyboard shortcuts on the desktop, etc. You can click here to learn more.

Is it all just translations? What else is there on Hadithmv?

No, Hadithmv is not only translations. On the home page, there is a button that says Text Editor, and another that says Other, clicking on that will show other pages such as an Umrah/travel checklist, information about Madina, a Khutba template, information about Hadithmv, backup mirrors for the site, a list of contributors, instructions on how to use Hadithmv, a list of tools and libraries used to make it, privacy policy for the app, license for Hadithmv, and so on.

What is the fastest way to write ﷺ?

In the app or site, on the homepage, there is a button that says,

ނަބިއްޔާ ﷺ ޙަދީޘް ކުރެއްވިއެވެ: ”ހެޔޮކަމަކަށް މަގުދައްކައިފި މީހަކަށް، އެ ހެޔޮކަން ކުރި މީހަކާ އެއްފަދަ އަޖުރެއް ލިބޭނެއެވެ.“ [މުސްލިމު 1893].

Click the “ﷺ” from there and it will instantly be copied to your clipboard, and you can paste it wherever you like. Now this is just a copy and paste. However, on the Edit tab of the Text Editor, you can write ss- / -ސސ- / صص and it will automatically be turned into ﷺ.

What is the fastest way to add up a total / calculate my Zakat?

You can use the Text Editor. From there, click the Calc tab, and in the first text box, write whatever numbers you want added up. It will calculate the total amount, as well as the Zakat of that total.

What else can I do on the Text Editor?

The Edit tab shows various functions to manipulate text, and can click ‘Help is OFF’ to turn it on and then it will show what each button does when you hover over it. There are also some useful links regarding text processing that can be seen when you expand for more information at the bottom. The Copy tab has various buttons that instantly copies pre-set text to the clipboard. The Calc tab shows a sum calculator, a QR code generator, a calculator for the last third and half of the night, a link to calculate the day of a child’s Aqiqah, a unit converter, etc. The Diff tab compares two texts and visually shows the differences between them.

I messed up the search / settings on Hadithmv, how do I reset things?

If you are on the app, then simply closing the app fully and then opening it again will reset it. If you are on the web version then clear the search box, clear the selected options, set the number of items viewed to default, and deselect the extra fields you have chosen to show. Or you can just fully clear the cache from the browser and revisit to that page again by pressing (Ctrl + Shift + R).

Is Hadithmv free?

We are providing our content free of charge, and it will remain that way, in sha Allah. Because we know first-hand that knowledge does not decrease when shared and made accessible to all, rather it only increases. However, if you would like to support the project, then you are welcome to reach out to do so.

How is Hadithmv different?

It is the first program of its kind in the Dhivehi language, and as far as we are aware, the only. We designed our content to load fast and use a fraction of your data. In more ways than one, Hadithmv saves you time and money, because every byte counts. Furthermore, we like to keep things minimal yet modern. We don’t spend time creating flashy animations or searching for filler photographs to go with what we write. Nor do we bother with creating or using effeminate sounds and humming as background noise for Islamic lecture clips, which only take away focus from what is being said, and the only reason modern Daa’ees do such a thing is because they stumbled across some equally ignorant people doing it, and felt they had to fit in, and no other reason. We realized early on that a one size fits all approach and readily available templates do the job much more efficiently. This way we can focus on what is important, delivering quality content instead of worrying about trivial secondary matters. Nor do we limit ourselves to bulky hard-coded PDFs that are hard to read on mobile, and mostly impossible to search text in. Rather our content is responsive and easily searchable, with custom options like copying or choosing how many items to display. Furthermore, we don’t do things in waves that come and go, or get people worked up on something for short bursts that inevitably fade away. Instead, we aim for steady work and sure outcomes that are designed to last. And when it comes to social media, we keep things bite-sized so subscribers can follow along even on a busy schedule. These days, there is a lot less need to ferry people or books back and forth across the country, that ship has sailed long ago. And even PDFs are slowly starting to feel like dinosaurs. The generation of today expects whole electronic libraries to be responsive, fit in their pockets and be immediately usable. We hope to continue delivering on those expectations, in sha Allah.

Could you record video and audio to go with the Hadith?

Fundamentally, we work with making the source texts available for everyone, as everything else is built on that. Once that resource is readily out there, it becomes so much easier for others to create multimedia based on it. This is why we have chosen to invest most of our time and effort in this essential area, as it is more important in the long term than spending hours recording or editing other media. As the years go by, images get more pixelated and blurrier as they keep getting reuploaded and compressed. Videos become outdated as search algorithms push them further back as new ones replace them. As for audio, changes in scripts or mistakes require re-recording again, and it is very likely that Dhivehi text-to-speech engines will progress to a point where they will accurately read whole books for us, instead of us having to rely on people to keep recording and editing clips all the time just so they can be listened to. In brief, we concern ourselves with long term, long lasting goals instead of temporary, short term ones. Because the reality is that a lot of channels, groups, domains, blogs, posts, articles, and so on have all come and gone, leaving not a trace of what once was. But without a doubt, there is one thing that remains the same; the fundamental value of the core text, which will keep getting reused and built upon over time and time again, and so that is precisely where we have chosen to commit to.

How does Hadithmv make content at this pace?

It is mainly due to our modernized workflow and tools. Instead of tediously having to do everything manually, we tend to automate things as much as possible. This allows us to create a few months’ worth of content that otherwise would have taken others years to do by hand. We avoid doing things over and over again and suffice with scripts wherever possible, as we find manual repetition to be cumbersome and a waste of time. Inevitably, modern methods will always outstrip legacy ones when it comes to performance and delivery, no matter the numbers. Even though by the Grace of Allah we have writers such that some of them are worth 30 others. Furthermore, we use a lot of software to help with our work, some of which we have mentioned or made available for use on the site.

Where is Hadithmv based?

In the Maldives, although most of the initial code and content was written in Madinah.

Who is Hadithmv for?

Quite simply, everyone. From students to teachers, children to parents, and seekers of knowledge to scholars, etc.

Is Hadithmv affiliated with any party or organization, whether governmental or an NGO?

No, Hadithmv is not affiliated with any party or organization. It is an independent Maldivian project, unaffected by the influences of third parties whether local or international. And all praise is for Allah. The brand name "Hadithmv" is registered for the purpose of application development as well as translation services, but we do not have the partisan Wala and Bara that other groups do.

Who funds Hadithmv?

Hadithmv is currently funded by the developer and no one else. And all praise is for Allah.

Are the translations correct?

In sha Allah. We strive to make them as accurate and understandable as possible. But perfection is only for Allah, so if an inaccuracy is found somewhere, or even a better suggestion comes to mind, you can report it to us so that we may look into it as soon as possible. It should also be mentioned that there is no substitute for being able to read and understand the original Arabic. And even the best translations are not guaranteed to be absolutely free of possible human or technical error. Even if university-level people have translated texts, rechecked them several times, and had them reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs for distribution, it does not mean those texts are now undoubtedly free of faults. And if we were to never include anything except only texts that were 100% perfect in every way, we would only have the Arabic Quran and nothing else. Yet we have tried to include that which would benefit the people as best we could, even though it is inevitable that there will be mistakes. Also we encourage you to learn the language as much as you can, in order to unlock for yourself deeper comprehension regarding the meanings of the classical texts. May Allah make it easier for you to study the Quran and Sunnah in their original language. Furthermore, it is important to note that not everything is to be translated literally, and the overall meaning must be preserved when conveying the texts. Unfortunately, we see some people trying on their own to piece together a translation word-for-word, and then end up failing to understand both the original text as well as the context. It must be pointed out that just a dictionary will never, ever be enough to translate Islamic texts such as these. One needs to have proper knowledge of related Islamic sciences such as Nahu, Fiqh, Usool, Mustalah, Ruwat, etc. and even then, they would have to refer to the explanations of the scholars if they wish to translate anything accurately. Otherwise one will just end up misleading oneself as well as others, may Allah save us.

Do you have any advice for someone who would like to do their own translations?

Follow these rules when translating anything:

• Have the correct Aqida, Manhaj and Usool first. Mistakes here are much worse than mistakes in grammar. And they will seep into your translations and lead others astray no matter how good your language is.

• Know both languages well enough to translate. Both the language of the source as well as the end language. Machine translation and dictionaries won’t suffice.

• Know the Islamic sciences related to the source material at hand. Be familiar with the terms, guidelines, principles, and so on. Talking outside your boundaries will only produce astonishing confusions.

• Translate as close and accurately as possible to the source text. Minimize paraphrasing unless the clarity of the meaning is affected. At the same time don’t negate or misinterpret the reality of the source text.

• Make clear what parts of the translation are actually in the source, and what parts you have added from outside. Use brackets, footnotes and so on. Otherwise, those who come after you could end up confused.

• Be sincere, seek help from Allah, have integrity, be consistent, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and don’t give up.

• Start small, easy and slow. Take simple but certain steps first, know what you can and can’t handle, and build upon your work and flow. Don’t habitually start up several projects and finish none of them.

• Always keep reading and learning. It will improve your knowledge and translation skills, as well as help you correct and avoid mistakes. Continue and keep going.

• Don’t just write something once and then forget about it. Go back to it once in a while, re-read and improve it. Don’t be too lazy to fix typos even when it’s pointed out by someone after a while.

Are the translations approved by the Islamic Ministry?

The translated books which have been approved by the Islamic Ministry will have an approval reference number on its page. While others may be still in the making or pending approval.

Are all the Hadith here authentic?

If a Hadith is from Bukhari or Muslim, then it is undoubtedly authentic. For any other book, the grading of a Hadith scholar is required before saying it is authentic. Some references on Hadithmv do include such gradings, while others do not have them yet.

How do you source your Arabic text?

We usually rely upon the texts of the Shamela library program, as well as others. We look for the best and most accessible source for the text, as that is what most people will find most easily available and can rely on, then we use the best references we can find even if it’s from a hardcover book. Also, while there might be several publishers and editors for a particular title, we try to use prints that the scholars recommend, because they have gone through the various books on the market, and selected only the very best available. Sometimes we end up changing the source text if a better one becomes available from another publisher. We have even done this up to three times for just one of our Hadith books, but Alhamdulillah, having scripts for the job saves a lot of time.

What numbering system do you use to reference Hadith?

We usually use the indexing scheme of Muhammad Fuad Abdul Baaqi when it comes to the main books of Hadith, as it is the most commonly used and easiest to look up. In any case, refer to the source book we used to know which numbering scheme is being used.

When I looked up the reference number from a source, why did it not match?

Different editions and prints may use different numbering schemes. Make sure that you looked up the same source books that we ourselves took the numberings from.

Is it okay if I don’t reference the source books and numbers of Hadith when including Hadith in writings of my own?

It's always better to reference. First of all, not doing so is considered unacademic. There are standards and protocols in place so that people can look up Hadith from their original sources with ease and cross reference the texts for themselves. Not doing so may be seen as a lack of credibility and signal the absence of care and diligence when it comes to handling these texts. Proper referencing is one way by which the liars can be told apart from the truthful, and the fake Hadith from the sound ones. Many a time fabricators try to avoid putting forth their sources yet still want others to think they are legit. Checking up on where it came from is one way to expose such schemes. We even see that the Orientalists and non-Muslims take care to mention the sources and indexes of the texts they criticize, because they know that without it what they write will not be taken seriously. Furthermore, some celebrity Dawah influencers have begun a trend of lazily adding the half-baked sentences such as “Source: -Prophetic Guidance”, “-the Prophet”, “-Hadith” or “-some website” on every post, or even worse, attributing the statements of the Salaf and scholars to themselves. This is low, even for unlearned Aammees who have not studied the religion, considering the wide-spread availabilty of knowledge resources nowadays. And lastly, you should also include the number of the Hadith, as opposed to writing just the name of the source book and omitting the number. Saying that there are multiple numbering schemes out there is a weak justification. Just use the most popular one and be done with it. Surely, you have taken your text from one of those sources, so include the number from where you found it, it’s as easy as that. No excuses. A simple, clean citation is all that’s needed. It’s not like you’re making a medium level Thakhrij, where you would include the name and number of the volume, as well as section, chapter, publisher name and print edition for every Hadith. And you’re certainly not making an extended level Thakhrij, where you make a full in-depth study detailing all the different chains of narration pertaining to a single Hadith, mentioning the differences and commonalities they have, bringing up the status of the narrators, and so on. In conclusion, if you can't be bothered to to make the most meager of citations to the most sacred of texts, then maybe it’s time to reconsider what service you can do for the Dawah.

What are Hadith?

They are the sayings, actions, approvals as well as the physical characteristics and manners of Muhammad ﷺ, the final Prophet sent by Allah. Hadith is also called Sunnah. After the Quran, Hadith is the second source of all Sharia legislations as well as behavioural etiquette standards in Islam. We can only know what we should and should not do through the Messenger ﷺ. Following the Messenger ﷺ is the only way to salvation and all that is good, and choosing any other path is falling into wretchedness and destruction, in this world as well as the next.

What is Takhrij?

Takhreej is referencing the Hadith text to the source book from which it is originally found.

Is there a dark mode / night theme?

The site automatically switches the theme based on your system preferences, however, the app does not as of yet.

What fonts does Hadithmv use?

We use KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh, as well as a private Dhivehi font developed by Hassaan Abdul Razzaaq.

For the Arabic Quran text, do you use Rasm Uthmani or Imlaaee?

Both. By default Imlaee is shown, which is taken straight from Tanzil's Quran text. It can be switched to Uthmani using one of the buttons below the Ayat, or by toggling column visibility.

Why is the site different from the app?

The site gets updated first, so the latest changes will always be available there. We only roll updates to the app later, so that we can be sure that everything works smoothly on the site beforehand. This is why the site will always have a higher version than the app.

Why is a translation different from before?

We might have corrected it or found a better translation. Here at Hadithmv we do not believe in writing content once and then simply forgetting it. This is not just another book that doesn’t get updated, or an article that sees no changes. Rather it is possible to edit and update our texts on the site anytime. Think of it in terms of a ‘living standard’. We are always striving to improve and build upon the translations, which are too important to just write once and then abandon after.

Why is a book on Hadithmv incomplete?

Most likely because it is still in the process of being written and checked, it will be fully available once ready, in sha Allah.

Could I know more about a particular book?

Usually there is information about the book at the bottom of its respective page. Also there might be a link to another page regarding that book. Otherwise feel free to contact us for more information.

Which books are currently available?

You can find those on the main page. We might have some other books in the making, but are awaiting further checks before being shared publicly. The content we have drafted and kept in-waiting is actually more than the content we show on the site. Once internal checks have progressed to a point that we are satisfied, we then make them available for public release.

Which books will be available soon?

While we focus mainly on Hadith and the Sunnah, we also include content on Quran, Aqida, Duas, language and other topics whenever it is called for. So exactly what book we are working on will constantly be changing from one completed work after another, so consider joining the translation team to be in on the loop. Although we can definitely say this much; we have a great selection of classical works that we plan to translate in Sha Allah. May Allah grant us the Taufeeq in releasing those books. It has also come to our attention that a number of errand boys have been popping up in our dm’s for sole purpose of scooping out what we are working on or how far we’ve progressed, in order to relay that back to their masters as if it were the next piece of juicy gossip. Needless to say breath will not be wasted on such earmarked informers.

Why did you translate Muwatta instead of this and that book?

Three reasons. Firstly, because it is one of the Sihah books, like Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, and all the Marfu’ Hadith in it are Sahih. Secondly, it has a high Isnad, even higher than Sahihain. And lastly, because it has around 2000 or less Hadith, compared to the 7500 that Bukhari and Muslim each have. And we will be using the repeat Hadith from it in the Sahihain when the time comes. We also note that most of the people who question our translating of Muwatta, do not properly understand the value of this book and its lofty standing among all others. Had they understood, this would not have even been an issue in the first place.

When will you translate Bukhari and Muslim?

We already have a number of translations from the Sahihain, and we will soon begin to do them from start to finish in earnest. Do not worry, it is definitely one of our main targets, and we are on our way there in Sha Allah. May Allah grant us Taufeeq. Aameen.

Do these texts have explanations (Shurooh) or English translations?

Check the bottom of the page of a book for links to their Shurooh as well as other translations.

Are there any physical books I can get?

Our physical books are available from Message of Islam.

Can you pin certain posts on certain social media, to make it easer to read from there?

We don’t think there’s a need to pin just any post. We don’t post a full Hadith book from start to finish without anything other than that in between. Depending on the occasion, we post content relating to Friday, Ashura, Eid, Ramadan, etc. These posts-in-between-posts could last a day, several days, or even a month. We even repost Hadith books sometimes. Not to mention that our translations have definitely changed since we first posted them. So making use of the site first, then the app, then pdfs is a better choice for reading Hadith books from start to finish, compared to only reading one-time translations on social media, which have definitely changed by now.

Does Hadithmv have any mirrors, in case the main site is down?

Yes, click here to see them. They update in real-time, excluding the netlify mirror. Use this mirror in case you need to use an older version of Hadithmv for whatever reason. Which might be when a recent update breaks a function somewhere on the main site.

Will you continue to update and improve Hadithmv, both in content and design?

Yes, Hadithmv will continue to be improved and developed as long as Allah wills. We are releasing new versions, working on features, reviewing content and fixing bugs as we find them. Everyday there’s something to improve, and there are a lot more changes noted down waiting to be implemented when we have the time and resources.

What will happen to Hadithmv if something happens to you?

That has been discussed within the team, and we have protocols in place so that the project may continue with or without me. It has already been decided which people are to take over and direct the project, so there should be no worries about our work stopping, in sha Allah.

What is your belief, Aqeedah, Manhaj and Usool?

Our belief, creed, methodology and principles are those of Ahlul Hadith (the people of Hadith), and they are Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’ah. We follow the Book of Allah and Sunnah of His Messenger, upon the understanding of the Companions, those who followed them in righteousness, as well as those who followed them in turn. Everything that the Salaf (the Pious Predecessors) agreed on and wrote as such in their books, we hold to be our belief. We take from where they took, and withhold from what they withheld. We believe in the Names and Attributes of Allah just as He and His Messenger ﷺ did, in a manner that befits His Majesty, without changing their wording, negating them as real, interpreting them as metaphorical, likening them to the creation, or asking how and why. We believe the meanings of His Names and Attributes are known to us, while their Kaif (manner) is unknown except only to Allah. And we affirm that Allah Rose (Istawa) over the heavens, is upon His ‘Arsh (Throne), with a Hadd (separate from His creation). He is not in every place, while His Knowledge is in every place. He is always close to His slaves with His Knowledge, and He draws closer to His righteous servants however He wills. He Descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of every night. He will arrive on the Day of Judgement. He has a Face, Eyes, Hands, Fingers, Shin and Feet. He Touches, Strikes, Holds, Grasps, Releases and Writes with His Hand. He showed Himself to the mountain in the time of Moosa and it crumbled. He Speaks, His Speech has sound and letters, and it can be heard by whomever He Wills. He Hears, Sees, Knows, Loves, Laughs, Dislikes, Hates, Plots, Mocks, Reprimands, Gives, Withholds, Moves, shows Mercy, becomes Shy, Pleased, Happy, Amazed, Angered and takes Retribution. He will place His Foot upon Hell. He created Adam with His Hands, in His Image and Breathed into him a soul belonging to Him. The Quran is His Speech, and not created. And He has created the actions of the creation. There is no one that can turn back His Decree, and we do not delve into and argue about the Decree, asking how or why. He has given mankind and Jinn free-will, and knows everything about them and all that will happen to them, even before their creation. To Him belongs the command as well as the creation. He is not questioned about what He does, but they, the creation, will be questioned. The Muslims will see Him on the Day of Judgement with their eyes, and He will Speak to each of them separately without any intermediary or barrier. He is free from all imperfections and shortcomings. Far removed is He from being like inanimate objects or idols that have no such attributes and do not speak or move, which is how the Jahmis describe Him. There is nothing like Him, while He is the All-Knowing, All-Wise. There is nothing bigger than Him. We believe in the Ghaib (Unseen), the Meethaaq (covenant Allah took from Adam and his descendants), the life of Barzakh (after death), the Hawd (lake) of the Prophet, and the Siraath (bridge) over Hell. That Jinn, magic, the Dajjal and the Beast, is real. And Easa is alive in the heavens and will descend in the End Times upon the religion of Muhammad ﷺ. We believe that Iman (faith) is belief with the heart, saying with the tongue and acting with the limbs. Iman increases with obedience to Allah, and has no upper limit, and it decreases with disobedience to Him, until it is all gone. And Iman does not count with anything less than the Shahada being spoken. It also does not count without disbelieving in everything that is worshipped instead of Allah or given rights that can only belong to Him. Iman also does not count unless action also accompanies it, while being able. And those who do not pray have left the fold. Whoever believes as the Salaf believed, and does not commit disbelief that takes them out of Islam, will enter Paradise by Allah’s Mercy. And whoever sins but does not commit disbelief as such, Allah may forgive them, or punish them in Hell for some time, before admitting them into heaven. As for those who do not believe, they will abide in Hell forever and ever. And Paradise and Hell are both created, and already exist, and will never end. And those who do not believe in the aforementioned are Jahmis, who negate the Attributes of Allah, said there is no God above the heavens, and claim there is nothing above the Throne. And the Salaf declared the Jahmis to be Mulhideen (atheists). Iman is sound and correct when we believe in all that we were commanded to believe in, and likewise disbelieve in all that we were commanded to disbelieve in. And disbelief is of two types, major and minor. Whoever commits major disbelief has voided his deeds and left the fold. And whoever commits minor disbelief is a sinner but does not leave Islam. We declare as being a believer or follower of the Sunnah, whomever the Salaf declared as being such. And we declare as being a innovator or disbeliever, whomever the Salaf declared as being such. And mocking the religion is a nullifier, whether done seriously or in jest. Friendship and association is for belief and its adherents. While animosity and disassociation is for disbelief and its adherents. And a Muslim may combine in him good deeds and bad. He is to be accompanied according to how much good he has. And he is to be avoided according to how much bad he has. And an innovator may combine in him more than one innovation. They are not to be accompanied, rather they are to be shunned, and they are worse than sinners. And it is not permissible for a Muslim to appoint a person that they are either loyal to or are hostile towards, except such a person who has been specified by Allah and His Messenger. Not everyone who falls into committing disbelief, becomes a disbeliever, until the conditions have been met and obstacles have been removed regarding that. And leaving the fold is not declared by mere suspicion, or unfounded doubt, or baseless unending chains, or in that which has not been proven as truly being such, or in that which the person has not been proven to have actually done it, or in that which there is an acceptable obstacle between the person and their leaving Islam, such as ignorance where they do not have a way to knowledge, or an acceptable misinterpretation that they have evidence for, or they make an unintended mistake like a slip of the tongue, or are coerced to do so against their will, or lose their mind and obligation to carry out their Islamic duties. And outward acts of disbelief do not occur from a person except due to it existing inwardly, even if it is claimed that we do not know whether their hearts and tongues concur, except for the case of one coerced. Saying otherwise is Irja. And we do not remove the people of the Qiblah from the fold of Islam. As for believing in Allah, His Messenger and His Book, then there is no excuse regarding that for mankind and Jinn in this world, whether the call of Islam reached them or not, apart from the mad person who was born from a Muslim, they are to be prayed upon. As for those whom the call of Islam does not reach, Allah will test them on the Day of Judgement, if they obey Him they will succeed, if not they will be punished, and even so these whom the call did not reach are not to be regarded as believers in name and rulings during the life of this world. And we do not declare any specific person to be in Paradise or in Hell, as long as there is not correct evidence that proves them to be specifically in either. As for other religions and sects, then in general they are declared to be either in Paradise, or in Hell. And as for the matter of the people of Riddah as well as the rest of the Mujrimoon, then they are to be dealt with by the ruler and his deputies with the law of Allah, as well as those who commit crimes that have fixed punishments in Islam. And the conditions regarding declaring someone to be out of the fold are narrower than those of declaring them to be an innovator. And those who fall into innovation due to ignorance are to be taught, yet they are still declared as innovators. The excuse of ignorance does not prevent someone from being labelled an innovator, even if it prevents them from being declared out of the fold. The establishment of Hujjah is not a condition in declaring someone to be an innovator. Indeed if they had knowledge, and still persisted upon their innovation, then that might have been a reason for them being declared to be out of the fold. And we do not declare the scholars to be innovators in matters of proper Ijtihad. We do not place those who came later as well as contemporaries to be the same level as the Salaf. And the Ijtihad (independent reasoning to arrive at an Islamic ruling) that counts is that which does not go against the Quran, Sunnah and the Salaf. And we are not to go out of the meanings and usages that were well known in the time of the Prophet, where there is no text to take it out of its origin, and so it is to remain in its origin. And there is no Qiyas (analogy) in matters of worship, creed, and methodology. And Naskh (abrogation) and Rajm (stoning) is true and correct. And every creed, methodology, movement and ruling created after the time of the Salaf to be made as part of the religion, is false and an innovation. And the basic principle when it comes to the legislation of the religion is that they are Tauqifi (made known to us from the Quran and Sunnah, and are not subject to rational thought). And the Haqq (correct way) is one and not multiple. And the only way that anyone who goes the Haqq is excused is if the Haqq is not known, or if he is a person who is truly worthy of Ijtihad and his Ijtihad counts as stated before, or is a someone who is allowed to do Taqleed (blind follow) someone else worthy of Ijtihad because the Haqq is not clear to him with evidence that he himself can understand. And the Haqq is to follow the Salaf in matters of Ijtihad first and foremost. And the obligatory is that which Allah and His Messenger commanded, and the forbidden is what they prohibited. And as the action of the Prophet which he did not command to follow, is recommended, except where evidence proves otherwise. And both Mutawatir (consecutive) and Ahad (isolated) Hadith are evidence that has to be accepted, even in matters of Aqida and Ahkam (creed and rulings). And whoever rejects that the Sunnah is evidence, is a Zindeeq (heretic), and his testimony is not to be accepted, his sacrificed animal is not to be eaten from, he cannot marry a Muslim woman, is not to be buried in the graveyard of the Muslims, and is not to be supplicated for with mercy. And spreading the Sunnah is a Fard Kifayah (obligation of sufficiency) upon the Muslims. And we view that the Ummah is sinning if it leaves out or conceals anything of the Book of Allah, or neglects taking care of and spreading it. And all of the Companions were just, and no ill is to be spoken of Muawiyah or ‘Aisha. And ‘Adalah (integrity) and Dabt (accuracy) of a narrator are conditions for accepting his narrations. As for the righteous scholar who makes a criticism of a person, then that takes precedence over another who makes praise of him, if the criticizer gives a clear reason, which is to be looked into. And we do not believe in participating in the street protests, so-called Islamic groups and organizations, political parties, and legislative bodies. And the obligation of the ruler is to establish the Sharia. And the obligation of the people is to obey and advise him, and not rebel against him for the sake of the Deen, as long as he is Muslim and establishing the religion in general, even oppression and wickedness occur from him. And if he commands something against the obedience of Allah, then he is not to be obeyed in that command, and he is still to be obeyed in other than that. As for the non-believer or one who changes the Sharia of Allah in general, then he is to be gone along with in that which does not go against the Sharia of Allah, and the public good for the Muslims is to be taken into account. And the matter of dealing with him or going out against him is left to the people of knowledge. And removing the ruler is not necessarily the same as rebelling against him. And it is upon the Muslim to stick to the Jama’ah (main body of Muslims). And prayer behind every good and wicked ruler is sound, as long as he does not commit a manifest nullifier. As for the public interest, the best way in respect to time and place is to take precedence. And if multiple evils or misguidances occur at the same time, and their followers fight each other over them, then the Muslim is not to support any of those groups over the other, rather he is to look at what is best for the Muslims, but if they are similar, or he has doubt, then he is to refrain and and leave all of that, because that is safest for his religion and himself. And preventing evil takes precedence over getting benefit, if they are both similar. And the interest of the Ummah and religion comes before the interest of the individual and what is personal. And taking Rukhsas (concessions) in the case of coercion and necessity is allowed. And those whom the people follow should avoid doing so. And we do not ask why and how about the religion of Allah. Neither do we say no to it. And we leave the knowledge of what we do not know to Allah. And the rulings and what Allah has informed us are not to be rejected using intellect and misinterpretation. And the blood, wealth, and honour of a Muslim is forbidden, except with the permission of Allah and a good proof. We view that sects and partisanship of all movements and causes that call to anything but holding fast to the one true Creed and Methodology to be separation and Fitnah. And there can be no agreement or coming together except upon a single Aqida and Manhaj; that of the Salaf. And if any of our sayings or actions go against what the they said and did, then it is our sayings and actions that are wrong, whether we know our mistake or not, or whether we were proven wrong during our life or after our death. We accept the Aathaar (Narrations) as they have reached us, and act upon them as the Salaf did. And we do that without imposing our own interpretation on them, or distorting them to fit our view, or coming up with ways to go around them. All of those are deceptions that the people of innovations and desires use in order to reject the Aathaar and find ways to escape acting on them. This is our Aqidah and Manhaj. And as such, we will not allow any other creeds or methodologies to show up in any of the content here. Another important reason why this project had to happen was because of the widespread Ash’ari misinterpretations that had plagued the available Islamic books in Maldives. Despite Aqida and Manhaj being a major issue, and the most important of them all, these problems had gone on for too long, without enough of an effort being made to cleanse them of the various inserted deviations they had. We didn’t even have correct full translations of the most basic books of Islam, which are the Quran and books of Hadith. Yet the Nasara had succeeded in translating the Bible to the Maldivian language, and they were even translating Nasrani films as well. Unfortunately, these major issues had persisted throughout generations of Maldivians, even with the presence of over 300 Islamic graduates. But in sha Allah, we aim to solve these problems. May Allah grant us Thaufeeq. Ameen.

Do you ascribe to any particular sect / group / party / ideology / philosophy?

Read the above. Again.

What are some people called Abu/Umm?

That is known as a Kunyah, which is a kind of Arabic nickname where a person is called after their first child. It literally means “father of” or “mother of”. It is used even if a person does not actually have a child, and is a sign of respect and endearment.

How and when did you start Hadithmv?

Our first code commit reads ‘July 17, 2017’. It all started back when the founder, then 22, had finished the first 2 years at the institute of Arabic language (Mauhad), and had a study break before transitioning to Thanawi in Madina. Allah decreed that he would travel home and marry at that time, and his spouse happed to know something of HTML. Through her, he learned the basics of HTML, and continued with the rest by himself before returning to Madina. At the time he was writing code on a phone, as he had no laptop, and ended up making a basic page showing Nawawi’s 40 Hadith in Dhivehi. Later he met a Maldivian student from a different university who inspired him to translate the major books of Hadith together with him. To be frank, he was blown away by the idea. It was a huge endeavour, one that he though to be almost impossible. How could someone like him, not even an undergrad yet, who had written a meager 40 Hadith, take up the task of translating thousands and thousands of Hadith, which would have been required even if the work was split up between colleagues. But that person he met had convinced him of how important it was, and that it had to be done by someone, no matter what. And in that moment he saw the truth for what it was, made no more excuses, and had no more reservations. He believed every word his friend had said, even more than than the friend himself. He was sure of it, as sure as anyone could ever be. It took root in his heart, and he began thinking of how best to execute it. He came up with ideas of how it could be done easier and faster, leveraging technology and better resources instead of just a plain old PDF. However, when he later met the person who gave him the idea, it turned out they had given up on it on their end. They said they were too busy, and had asked others to take it up instead, who more or less hit the same dead end. This news was extremely disappointing. He had come to person who inspired him, still burning to work on those Hadith right from where their conversion left off, only to have been told the dream was over. Yet he could not let it go, the eagerness he had did not change at all, and the important of the task still remained fresh in his mind. So he decided to take it up himself, and began to work on it in earnest, and has never stopped since. He has never looked back, never regretted it, and to this day, has never let go of that inspiration, and kept at it day after day, book after book. And all praise is for Allah.

Has the Hadithmv logo changed?

Yes. Initially it was made with English letters. Later it was changed to something more Maldivian, the lettering of which was designed by Mohamed Mafaz Ahmed.

How about using more / fancier images / icons / animations / transitions / colors / themes?

We’d like to keep this text based application as fast and efficient as possible. That means keeping the overhead small, loading fewer assets and taking up less storage. In fact there’s only one external image in the whole of Hadithmv, the logo. Everything else we handle with with various unicode characters and url encoded svgs.

Can I use the texts of Hadithmv in my own app / How is Hadithmv licensed as a software?

You can read about that here.

What tools was Hadithmv made with?

You can read about that here.

Why not make separate apps for all of the books?

The key idea is to have everything accessible in one place. A centralized, unified approach is the most efficient in terms of size, speed and development. In short, we did things this way to avoid redundancy and bloat. Otherwise a hundred books would be a hundred apps on each separate platform, which would be difficult and inefficient to maintain individually. Imagine if the Shamela Islamic Library had a separate program or app for each of their books, with multiple database engines that needed updating. That would be a very cumbresone way to go about things. In reality, this question is more of an issue of end users not understanding how sofware works, then it is of why not do this this or that.

Why is it Hadithmv.github.io instead of Hadithmv.com?

Also related to this matter, is how some say that writing .github.io in the URL of the browser takes too long. In response, we would say, who types out full URLs in the browser in this day and age? One only needs to google a mere word of the site name and they will find themselves there in no time. Not to mention how modern browsers autocomplete the URL the moment you write a few letters. Nevertheless, while Hadithmv has always been built and hosted on github instead of a separate domain, we do own the domain Hadithmv.com. And that website name redirects back to this one here on github. We don’t do it the other way around because of the temporary nature of custom domains, which in reality only last as long as they are maintained and paid for. We have seen time and again, how many Islamic sites that were once filled with so much content, die off along with everything that was in them. This is a great loss and very sad state of affairs. People think whatever gets on the internet stays forever. This is false. Unfortunately, most site owners choose to be exclusive and closed-ended, not making their code and content viewable at the source level, nor making backups, and not sharing their writings accessibly. So after a few years, their work ceases to exist because of various factors, such as not paying for the costs needed to keep the site up, which of course becomes more expensive if one does not know their way around technical things, or people became too busy in their personal lives to continue with these projects, or the sites were no longer updated to fit with modern designs and user experiences as technology progressed, or disputes arose within the team and ended up with them breaking off from each other. Also sometimes the content creators are fully dependent on outside IT people who come and go just like that, or if they didn’t have a technical team, then they were limited to basic third party software and never went beyond clicking some basic buttons and writing regular text in boxes just like everyone else. On the other hand, sometimes technically inclined folks want to make an Islamic site or app, yet don’t have the acquired Islamic knowledge to do so and have to rely on those who do, but those in turn end up not having the time, effort or consistency required for such a task. The reverse does also happen, where people with the needed Islamic knowledge are not able to learn or adapt to changing technology, while the brothers in IT were too busy with commercial work to devote their time to building and maintaining an Islamic project. In short; conflicts, inabilities, dependencies, bottlenecks etc. are usually what stagnate and kill off such projects. Similar to the above mentioned situations is how some only release their work in the form of hardcopy books to be placed on shelves, or others make do with only a channel on limited social media, or just suffice withing uploading plain PDFs somewhere on the web, the link of which usually dies soon after, and don’t bother going any further than that. If only creators made their content available on the web as well as apps openly, accessible on all media and platforms, kept up to date with changing trends of development, and had proper mirrors and backups, then people might have still been able to continue benefitting or even building upon them, even if and when something were to happen to themselves or the site. As for us, after trusting in Allah, we have tried our level best to avoid ending up like the aforementioned, which is why we chose to be on github and won’t expire or need renewal the way other domains do. We have also prepared several site backups to keep the content alive in case anything goes down. Because knowledge is simply too precious to let vanish. We have also placed all our code out there in public, along with mirrors, so that those who come later can be able to continue to use it and improve upon it. And more and more people are becoming tech and coding literate day by day. We also release PDFs of our finished works on the internet, as well as print physical books to be made available in bookstores. This way, we hope to have covered all angles in the most comprehensive approach possible. And success is only from Allah. Also, while we have mentioned a few of the reasons why Islamic projects end up failing and what can be done to avoid them, there is something bigger that comes before all of that; the matter of not being united upon a single Aqida and Manhaj, and this decisively dooms a project no matter how big or favourable it looks. How can a Jahmi with the title of Sheikh who misinterprets and negates the Attributes of Allah, get together with a watered-down Muaa’sir (contemporary) who wants to re-invent and modernize Fiqh by grasping at the Khilaf when the Haqq is one, and a liberalized lecturer who takes part in teacher’s day and free-mixing using some Batil Ta’weel of Maslahah when they mean their own pockets, and the everyday Sharia and law grad who trims the beard, trails the edge of their pants, listens to music, watches series, is in a relationship, and is basically no different from a dropout or layman, and a cute apologist who insinuates that Ibn Ziyad crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and traveled thousands of miles just to let the people there know that there is no compulsion in religion, and a biased Haraki who blindly follows some group or party, shouts in the streets and inevitably quits and retires from the movement when they’ve wasted enough of their life, and a deluded ’Aqlani who gives precedence to logic over the text, and a heedless techie who develops Islamic apps while also working on software for music and tv shows, and deals in Riba and dubious transactions on the side, and a Muta’asib nationalist who takes more delight in their frivolous honorifics and worthless buried statues than they do over the books and creed of the Salaf, and a brainwashed secularist who thinks Islam belongs in the heart or mosque and does not think of it as a complete way of life, or frankyly any other blind deviant who follows anything other than the Salaf, even if all these people had all the resources and manpower in the world, how could they ever contribute anything for the Muslims, when they are unable to even help their own selves and their own deeds are constantly invalidated? What Thaufeeq do they expect, when they have shunned the truth and Angered the Rabb? What can a ragtag band hope to achieve, when they are but a murky cocktail of falsehood and innovation? What good is their certificates and salaries when they have the Iman of the Murjiah? What could all their worldy and technical knowledge do, when they have chosen what fades away over the everlasting? What do they have to do with the Religion of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, when they have turned their backs on what was revealed from the Heavens? What Haqq can they give victory to, when they themsleves were upon nothing to begin with? What on Earth could they possibly do, except fabricate a sham of a Deen and pretend to follow it in name? How could they guide anyone, when they are themselves misguided? Wallahul Musta’aan.

What’s the deal with Thikijehi Thaana (Dhivehi Diacritics)?

This is one of the more controversial questions we sometimes get. First of all, we aren’t trying to get rid of thikijehi thaana. That is impossible. End of story. You’ll always find them in our content, even if not as much as you were used to back in your day. Secondly, as this is a developing issue that progresses as it goes, we do take into account two things in regards to this matter, the usage in the Radheef as well as current practices in contemporary articles. We don’t want to end up like those old Islamic translations with shakespearean pronouns that no one uses anymore. At the same time, we won’t be like those extreme modernists who replace sheenu with shaviyani. There’s a balance somewhere out there, we just have to find it. And to do that, we need to be ready to revise and make changes if necessary.

I learned about a Hadith, can I issue Fatwa and solve Fiqh disputes?

No, that is only something the scholars can do, because the Sharia of Allah is not spoken of except with knowledge. While Hadithmv is intended to be a resource for various Islamic texts, a single read alone is not sufficient for laymen to have formed a comprehensive opinion on a matter. Many individuals who do not know even the most basic amount of Arabic think that just because they have the internet, they are as capable as any scholar. This is nothing but a complete and utter fallacy. You cannot come up with your own reasoning nor make up your own analogy when it comes to the religion. That is simply not how things work in Islam. Anything related to Aqidah, Fiqh or Fatwa should always be taken from the Salaf, and those who followed in their way. Otherwise, one will only go astray, while leading others astray as well.

What is the most important thing?

The most important thing is to have the right Aqidah and Manhaj. Because it is the base, the very foundation. Everything else comes after. And this does not change no matter the place or time. Correct Aqida is the end, the goal, that we are trying to reach, and everything else is just a means to it. The good end will never, ever justify bad means, just as good means cannot justify a bad end. All of that is falsehood and deception. As Imam Malik said, “The latter part of this Ummah will never be rectified except by that which rectified the earlier part.” Know that having a lot of books, narrations, knowledge, deeds and so on, doesn’t comparatively matter if one does not hold the correct belief, isn’t firmly grounded in understanding Islam the way it was revealed, and doesn’t know Allah and His Messenger or follow them the way the best three generations knew them and followed them. And ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab, may Allah have mercy on him, said, “There is no excuse for anyone going astray thinking that he is upon guidance. Nor for abandoning guidance thinking it to be misguidance, since the affairs have been made clear, the proof established, and the excuse cut off.” And that is because the Aathaar and the Salaf have conclusively decided over (and preserved) all the affairs of the religion. And it has been made clear to the people, so it is upon the people to (obey and) follow. So surrender to their way and beware of rejecting any Athar. Do not debate and argue about it. Only comply and submit. Do not throw about examples and reason your way out of it. Only accept and affirm. Do not misinterpret its meaning to avoid acting upon it. The meaning is clear and the way the Salaf understood and acted upon is clear. Do not try to fit it into your views and narrative. Rather you must fit yourself into it and discard of you what doesn’t. Do not try to find ways around it. It cannot be escaped and neither can you pretend to be ignorant or blind. Do not leave it for any opinion. Throw those opinions to the wall. If a pragmatist says to you “We prefer Maslaha and Maqasid over Aqida and Manhaj”, then say “You are a Haraki who justifies means over ends, and are no different to those materialist westerners and their secularization movements”. And if a partisian says to you “We cooperate with each other in what we agree on, and we excuse each other in what we differ in”, then say “You are a Hizbi who gathers upon everything except the truth, excuses everyone regardless of creed, and are no different to those compromising clerics who call for unification of religions”. If an intellectual says about the Salaf “they are Rijaal and we are Rijaal” (ie; they are just men like us), then say “they are the Rijaal, and you are a Dajjaal (great liar and deciever), and you are an Aqlani who is no different from the philosophers and Mutakallimoon”. And if a Mua’wwil (misinterpretor of the Attributes of Allah) says to you “I disbelieve in a Rabb that ascends and descends”, then say “I believe in a Rabb that does whatever He wills, and you are a Jahmi who is no different to those Mulhideen who say that there is no God in the Heavens, or that God has no attributes, while it is only that which does not exist that has no attributes”. Know that the spreading of something far and wide for generations does not mean Allah is pleased with it. Know that knowledge and Deen is not an abundance of books and narrations. Know that the Jama’ah is not whatever the masses are upon, rather the Jama’ah is that which is in accordance to the Haqq even if you are on your own. Know that Falsafa and Kalam (philosophy and give precedence to intellect over texts) begins and ends with no answers. Know that innovation can be worse than the disbelief of the idol-worshipers and the people of the Book. Know that ‘Ilmul Kalam can be worse that killing, sorcery and fornication. Do not delve into or argue with ‘Ilmul Kalam, stay far, far away from it. Beware of innovation and do not ever give precedence to your intellect over the texts. Rather they come above your logic whether you understand it or not. Know that there is no matter more severe and harmful than not following the Salaf, using Kalam in the religion, and neglecting the Attributes of Allah, it is even worse than the matter of not ruling by the law of Allah. It is worse than not ruling by the law of Allah. It is worse than not ruling by the law of Allah. If you don’t know this already then go back and read the books of the Salaf again and again until either Allah grants you Thaufeeq and you find your religion, or you become of those who are destroyed by turning away from it. Indeed the Harakiyya (those who give precedence to means over ends, and material gain over the Salaf) will always lose their Deen and themselves every time their movement falters, as they were not hanging on to anything strong from the start. So when their means fail, their Eman fails with it and they retire, because they never had correct Eman to begin with. Know that Ahlu Sunnah has no Imams except from Ashabul Hadith. And if they (the people of Hadith) are not Taifatul Mansurah (the victorious group), then no one else is. Take the texts as the Salaf took them, and stop where they stopped. Anything further than that is destruction. You will not be fooling anyone except yourself. And there is none worse than a person whom when the Aathaar is brought to him, he dislikes it, distorts it, and does not act upon it, all so he can reject it. There is no good whatsoever in such a person. And that is the case whether an unlearned person does it, or a Muslim with something of knowledge who looks practising on the outside. As for the former, at least everyone can tell his apparent state and not be deceived in religion. But as for the latter, the problem is that he looks the part outwardly, and so those who don’t know any better are fooled into thinking that he is one who gives Nusrah to the Sunnah. And it is only when he fails to act on the Aathaar, and gives precedence to his views, that his ignorance shows, his reality comes to light, and his averseness to the Aathaar becomes manifest. He is but a wolf in sheep’s clothing, an eager pretender who thinks he knows Aqida and can teach it to others, when he is only a ruined lifeless house with nothing worthy inside it. And that is why this imposter is the more dangerous of the two, so beware.

What does the Ummah need most right now / Where should we concentrate our efforts / What is the essential solution for the Islamic community / What should the Muslims focus on / What has to be done first and foremost / What is the most pressing matter / Where should our priorities lie, What is it that we need to agree on before anything else, What must we unite and gather upon, etc.?

Same as above.

Any final advice?

“Indeed the Ummah needs individuals - steadfast individuals - more than it needs groups who are not among the people of steadfastness and who only falter during crises, and who are not among the people of firmness and strength during challenges. For this reason, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ remained steadfast and persevered alone, while entire peoples and groups faltered. This is due to the strength of what is in the heart of steadfastness, determination, and faith, which differs from others. This is why you find among people those who are in a misguided environment, yet Allah Jalla wa ‘Ala keeps them steadfast in an environment of disbelief and misguidance. Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla keeps them firm on the truth, and then people marvel at their steadfastness, faith, strength, and resilience in the face of challenges. On the other hand, a person observes people in Muslim countries and among righteous people, or in righteous families, who deviate from the path to the right and left. They then fluctuate between the doors of truth at times and falsehood at others, and they may even be in various stages and depths of falsehood. And what is this a sign of? It is a sign that the faith which a person has - the faith by which a person is steadfast - is what anchors them in the face of crises, challenges, trials, and tests that Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla places in a person’s path and confronts them, and this is inevitable.”