Welcome to Hadithmv: The Maldivian Platform for Sunnah Translations Hadithmv is available both online as a website and offline as an application for Android and Windows. To make the most of Hadithmv and avoid getting stuck, it is recommended to go through these instructions first. ---------------- * General Usage: ---------------- 1. NAVIGATION: • Click on the "Navbar" at the very top to access the Menu. • Below that is "Paste Page Link Here" box. It is not a search box, more on that later. 2. READING BOOKS: • From the home page, select a category (e.g., Hadith) and open a book (e.g., Muwatta Malik). • Change pages using the "Page Buttons", or by swiping on mobile. • Jump to specific pages using the "Page Number" box. 3. READING CONTROLS: • "Show 1" adjusts the number of entries displayed per page. (note: doing so may cause other functions to not work as expected). • "Filter" can be used to filter content (e.g., by Chapter or Heading). • "Extra Columns" allows you to show/hide specific parts of the book (e.g., Arabic, Dhivehi, Footnotes, Heading). 4. COPYING TEXT: • "Copy" lets you copy all visible text. (note: hidden text won't be copied). • You can also select text with the cursor and then right click to copy. • Double clicking text performs a specific action on Hadithmv, as stated below. As such, triple clicking to select a paragraph will not work. 5. SEARCHING • Use the "Search Box" to find specific text within the current book. • Double-click a search result to view it in its original context. (note: this ends the search). • Use double quotes when searching for exact matches (e.g., "like this"). • Results appear instantly. Change the page to go to the next set of results. • You can choose how many results appear at once using "Show 1". 6. CONTINUING WHERE YOU LAST READ: • When using the online website: Your reading position is automatically saved in the browser. • As for the offline app: At the bottom of a book, click "Copy Current Page Link" and paste it somewhere on your device. • To resume reading, open the home page, and paste it in the "Paste Page Link Here" box at the top. 7. RETURN TO HOME PAGE: • On book pages with the Navbar, click the "Hadithmv Logo" at the top left. • On other pages, there will be a hyperlinked text saying "Hadithmv" at the top, or "Back to Main Page" at the bottom. • On some Android phones, the back button exits the app. If this happens, use the above methods. 8. TROUBLESHOOTING: • If something malfunctions on a book, open the Navbar menu, and refresh the page using "Soft Reload" or "Hard Reload" found at the bottom. • If that doesn't work, report it to us using the Contact page. 9. DESKTOP KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS: • [Tab] = Tab Navigation • [Arrow keys] = Keyboard Navigation • [Shift + s] = Show Additional Columns • [Shift + c] = Copy shown text to clipboard • [Shift + f] = Open Filter • The cursor starts inside the Search box on desktop for easy typing. To use the keyboard shortcuts above, click outside the search box first. • You can click inside the "Page Number" box, then use the arrow keys to change pages. • You can save a complete webpage (ctrl + s) for offline use.